Architectural Services

Architectural design work can be prepared on a wide range of buildings from small extensions, individual properties and larger residential and commercial developments, both for single or multiple properties. Similar work can also be carried out for conversion, alteration and repair works.

Appleby Petfield can provide architectural and design services to suit clients’ specific needs. Such work includes measured surveys, existing drawings for freehold or leasehold properties, design drawings for extensions, alterations or new construction, services layouts, schematic layouts.

Drawing work is carried out using AutoCAD (Computer Aided Design) in 2D and 3D. The design work is carried out both in house and using architectural technicians depending upon the extent of work load at the time.

We also provide Planning and Building Control application and monitoring services. Please contact us to discuss your specific requirements.



Planning Matters

Appleby Petfield can prepare for and submit Planning and Listed Building Applications on behalf of clients to the relevant Local Authority.

Applications are now generally made on line with information submitted electronically to reduce paper and allow a more speedy transfer of information onto the Local Authority application website.

The general Planning process is as follows:-

Applications are submitted (usually on line) and are received by the Local Authority concerned.

Most Authorities vet and validate an application prior to it being formally registered and being allocated an application number. [There are some Authorities who not vet applications at this stage and if deficiencies are identified at a later stage, for whatever reason, a delayed or refused decision can occur].

The Local Authority issues letters of consultation to neighbours (in most cases) and to standard Consultee’s such as Highways Department, Water Companies and the like.

Applications are placed on websites and/or ‘the Planning Portal’ and are available for public viewing and comment. [The planning process is an open process to which any person can made a comment in either a positive or negative fashion on any application within the prescribed period].

In consultation with the Local Planning Authority’s policies and other relevant guidance, and with consultation responses, decisions are considered and made by either the Planning Officer (and Superiors) on a ‘delegated decision’ basis or matters can be referred to Committee for a full Committee decision.

We liaise with Officers during the application process to establish the potential outcome of an application, its merits or deficiencies at which point amendments can be submitted to improve the likelihood of an approval. [Some Authorities are more open in this process than others].

A decision whether positive or negative, is made and issued. [If during the liaison process a refusal is likely the opportunity exists for an application to be withdrawn].

The Planning process is an open public process, but decisions are made by individuals or Committee. The decisions are made on the basis of published policies and by interpretation of those policies by the individuals for committees.

Appleby Petfield are successful in gaining consent for a wide range of projects on different type of property but can offer no guarantee of a successful application.



Building Regulations

A Building Regulations Application is required where alterations are being made to a building that require approval under the Building Act 1984 (as amended) and the Building Regulations and Approved Documents.

Building Regulations is a closed process and as such, applications are viewed by the Officer and team within the Local Authority or other Approving Authority only. There is no opportunity for public consultation.

The purpose of a Building Regulations Application is to identify whether the proposal meets the required standards which themselves are an interpretation of the requirements within the Approved Documents. An application is submitted to the approving Authority and is vetted by the Officer assigned to deal with the particular case. The proposal is considered by the Officer and a letter issued, identifying additional, supplementary, or confirmation of information needed.

A timetable for a response is provided.

We submit revised information, in accordance with the information requested. Once the vetting officer is happy the information is acceptable, an Approval is issued.

On domestic properties, work can be commenced on site without an application having been made or approved. Works can be approved by the Officer as they proceed. There is a greater risk that the works undertaken are not considered acceptable and as such, alteration or replacement work becomes necessary.

It is our usual policy for a Full Plans Application to be submitted prior to building works being commenced and for an approval to be received prior to commencement.

Please contact Appleby Petfield to discuss your specific requirements.