External Redecoration

During the summer period it is sensible to focus on the matter of external redecoration.

External redecorations, it is important to maintain the condition of decorated external elements so that these provide appropriate weather protection to other parts of the building fabric and the interior.

External redecoration should be carried out on a regular basis, the frequency of which is usually defined by the exposure of the property concerned.

As a rule of thumb external decoration is usually undertaken on a 3 to 5 yearly cycle but more frequent in particularly exposed locations, especially properties close to the coast.

As with any redecoration it is important that specific rules are followed.

  1. Any rotten, corroded or defective elements are properly repaired or replaced to provide a proper and sound base for redecoration.
  2. The existing decorations are properly prepared by removing any rusty or damaged fixings, loose flaking and damaged paint or finishes and all properly rubbed down to a smooth even finish.
  3. Bare areas should be properly primed and treated with a corrosion inhibitor if necessary and undercoated ready to receive the final finish.
  4. Final decorative coatings should be evenly and smoothly applied in one or more coats depending upon the type of products used.
  5. It is important that proper and safe access is provided to areas being decorated particularly those at high level to avoid accidents.
  6. It is important that decorations are maintained on a regular basis in order to avoid the problems which are apparent in the series of photographs below.

Remember, make sure the seals between door and window frames is maintained in good condition to prevent water leaks.

Keep decorations up to date and don’t let them get this bad!