Level 3 (Full Building) Survey
Full Building Surveys (previously known as structural surveys) are also referred to as a level 3 survey.
Level 3 surveys are usually carried out on older properties, pre-WW2 and/or those that are more complex and listed properties. Whilst some might suit a Level 2 report, it is often found that the report format doesn’t suit the complexity, age and/or type of the property concerned. Our Level 3 reports are all prepared on a bespoke basis using a combination of standard, adapted and specific clauses. The decision as whether a property is suitable for a level 2 or level 3 inspection is made on a case-by-case basis and quotations are given accordingly with advice where necessary. This assist our clients in making the right choice for them.
A full Building Survey is a visual inspection of the external and internal elements of the building fabric and structure. From the inspection made, we are able to determine the construction and condition of the elements of the property as far as possible. Our survey report informs you of the construction and condition of the building fabric, the extent and type of remedial repair required, or the extent of further investigation or other advice required.
Building services are inspected on a visual basis only with reported comments linked to the extent of inspection possible, the age and type of equipment, again identifying any further advice or inspection necessary.
Inspection is made to all visible elements inside and out, services and outbuildings grounds and boundaries. Each is reported on as far as the inspection allows in each case.
The following are properties suitable for Level 3 surveys (In addition to those that would otherwise be suitable for a Homebuyers Survey). Each of our Level 3 surveys includes Condition Ratings based on the layout and style of a level 2 survey. (See Level 2 survey)